Sunday 17 February 2013

Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse!!

Another Saturday - another hedge but this time with a twist. This hedge had not been planted but had self-seeded over many years along the line of a fence. It consisted of old knotted and rabbit (and more recently sheep) eaten hawthorn with a fair sprinkling of dog rose. Many of the hawthorns were well out of the hedge-line and had to be removed making it rather less substantial than it looks in this shot.
Well, at least the weather was nice - misty at first but then warm with sunny intervals.

It never ceases to amaze me that what appears at first to be an insolvable puzzle can be resolved into something approaching a 'hedge'. In this case we had to cut out a lot of old, dead and 'in the wrong place' wood so as to be able to get some order to the hedge but after it was staked and bound it did not look too bad, although somewhat thin in places. The owner was very pleased and he intends to plant up the whole hedge this week making a permanent living structure in place of what was an old overgrown fence-line. And we had a very nice lunch at the end - which was a bonus.

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