Monday and Tuesday saw Fred, Ian and myself complete phase two of the Avery Hill hedge. This was sixty-nine meters of a rather low thin hedge, comprised mostly of Field Maple and Hawthorn, with some flowering cherry, Holly and Privet mixed in. Given the early spring weather, and to be on the safe-side, a comprehensive nest check was done on Saturday, with no sign of any nest building found. As with phase one, that can be seen in the distance in the shot below, the hedge is overshadowed by mature trees along almost its entire length and this will no doubt restrict regrowth.
There are two bus stops used by the students adjacent to this section of the hedge and we had to work around the pick-up times and close off sections of the footpath off-peak.
I pleached-in this stem at right angles in order to get a bit of body into a thin section of the hedge and it worked out rather well.
We brought in an additional 60 stakes and 60 binders to replace the rather poor materials supplied and I think this helped the appearance of the finished hedge.
So that's it - all over till the autumn. Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way with advice, guidance, practical assistance or just good old friendship. Let's hope it's a good summer with lots of great birding opportunities and that there are nice hedges to lay in the coming season.
Looks neat and tidy. I like the creative work bringing the pleacher into the hedgeline. C.